Grow It, Don’t Throw It

Wet waste constitutes more than 50% of a household’s daily waste and when mixed with dry waste it releases toxic greenhouse gases (GHG) such as dioxins and furans. When this waste is mixed with dry waste, it also reduces the recycling rate of the dry waste. We enable individuals and communities to start their composting journey through workshops. We also provide alternative solutions to repurpose wet waste into useful resources. Through this program we aim to curb GHG emissions and improve recycling rates, thus fighting climate change.
Our Kolkata chapter recently launched the 'My Para My Pride' campaign to help communities manage waste. To start your community's wet waste management journey and set up composting solutions, write to us at gfikolkata@garbagefreeindia.org

Wet/ organic Waste composted so far

Get in touch with us to organise a workshop for your society and team.